Project Series

As a Multimedia Artist, I have a lot of work and projects to do, some being single pieces and some series.

Artist Statement

Everything starts with a story, so where do you come from?Bending the definition behind words like "home", "identity", and "system", I redefine not just my story, but others' as well. The goal is to bring attention to a new perspective behind unconventional idioms. I am a foreigner who's tongue has been twisted into a new shape to survive, language is changing all the time, so it is the main focus behind the majority of my artworks.There is more than one way to experience the same story, so what do you see?While my story may be convoluted, the need to adapt and change is a constant I've had to adopt. I do not confine myself to one side of the art world because my potential lies beyond the definition of "confinement", therefore I utilize illustration, design, photography, music, and writing as I see fit.We all define ourselves as something, so who are you?I have always used story telling as a remedy for myself and others. I use my work to tell stories, real or fables. Everyone has a story, I am only the messenger. Groups of people are being marginalized too often, too many stories are left untold, I am here to tell the stories that belong to me and the people, to redefine "constructions".


Coming soon...

The Painted Poems Project

More poems coming soon!

All of the writing is displayed in separate "posts" to make it more digestible for social media. Because Twitter limits a user to four images per post, this is done in batches of four or less. Is this more or less convenient for the audiences? Is the system set up for the people or against the people?Follow The Painted Poems Project closely on the socials.


One of the most human things is to want to be heard, but how can I be heard if there is no room for my voice, my writing? I am here to defy the limitations I’ve been given to work with. I am here to make more space.Something I’ve wanted to do for a few years now is figure out how I can share my writing to the social media scene when everything is so image-based and there’s not a lot of room for writing.As a society, we are engulfed in a world of videos, reels, clips, whatever you may call them. Unless you make a video about it, somehow your ideas don't come across people’s feeds as often. There are very few spaces where you are allowed to share your writing alongside other forms of media and so many of these platforms tend to be niche-inclined and for specific purposes.This is a statement piece against the way social media is designed today. In this series, I aim to criticize the social media-based society we live in and how everything is now video-based to the point where there is so little room for poetry and writing on socials.From Twitter’s 280-character cap to how we use that app mostly as a random collection of thoughts and updates nowadays. We are no longer calling Twitter “X”, not because we aren't used to the name change, but because we have no respect for the platform anymore. How Instagram’s photo and reel features are limited, capping a post at 2,200 characters. Instagram’s secondary app, Threads, is essentially a makeshift Twitter at this point. Tumblr is one of the few spaces still designed for readers and writers, and how limitless this platform alone can be, and we use all of these apps to show only the good moments we have stored in our photos.This is about how we move away from literature so fast these days that we’re losing vocabulary and grammar and substituting it with lingo and slang instead. Schools aren’t teaching proper grammar in American educational systems anymore because of social media. Bookstores are mostly empty when you arrive at their destination, and Barnes and Noble are switching between playing defense and offense with bankruptcy because of Amazon.Download an app to speak your mind. What if I don't want to do that? What if I don't want my story to disappear within the next 24 hours, something more permanent, more pronounced? Make more space for me to write, please.The point of this project is to make writing seen in a digital world not meant for it with the platforms we've been given to work with. What about the writers and the multimedia artists?This is a "screw you" to those who made the system this way. This is about everyone else's writing just as much as it is about mine.Thus, from a sense of wanting to belong, a new series emerges,The Painted Poems Project.


First Things First Manifesto (2020 Edition)
Writer Strike Information
Twitter Name Change
Grammar in Educational Systems
The Effects of Social Media and How We Write
What is Pop Art?



Template + Specifications

Downloadable files for Affinity and Adobe Apps coming soon!


Font: Permanent Marker
Size: 13pt.


Font: Mom's Typewriter (or any typewriter font)
Size: 10pt. (adjust to font size)


Font: Permanent Marker
Size: 7.5pt

Color Pallet

Black: #000000
White: #F6F1ED
Red: #EE333C


Header (title) and footer is any tape png, either blend mode or transparent.Page background is any paper texture. (the point it to make it look realistically fabricated.)You are free to make your own assets for this project but you are also free to use stock footage. Make sure to read license agreements before usage.

Writer's Block

Do you ever just feel stuck?

She Will Remember That

You will never know...

What a small world.

Coincidences happen, or do they?

Sometimes, I have words

Coming soon...


These poems are a collection of poems taken from my journals. These journals focus on different aspects of my life.

Journal - The Art of Noticing

A collection of journals focused on "The Art of Noticing".

This is a new page...

Coming soon...

Logos and Mascots

About coming soon...Hokobishu - more info coming soon...Strix Dream - more info coming soon...Crown Logo + King Crow Rio - more info coming soon...

Pixel Art

About coming soon...Pixel Bitten - more info coming soon...Yellow Flower - more info coming soon...Teacher 1 +2 - more info coming soon...

Hobbie Brown

About coming soon...

Strix Dreams

About coming soon...


About coming soon...


Why stop at one when I could tell so many stories?


Coming soon...

Human Things

It's not about humans, it's about the stories left behind by them.

More coming soon...


More information about this project coming soon.

More coming soon...

Pipe Dream

When you stop to notice, you can find pipe dreams everywhere.

More coming soon...

Exhibition Pieces

These artworks have been displayed throughout multiple shows and exhibitions.More details coming soon.


This series focuses on birds and the stories they tell, after all, birds are gossipers.

More coming soon...



The Immigration Series

The Body

Quote from the poem "To The Body" by Rudy Francisco.


Quote from the poem "The Crickets Have Arthritis" by Shane Koyczan.

The Picnic Cookbook

This was a teamwork design project. You can buy the full Picnic Cookbook here!

Fox's Tail Logo Design + Stationary

This project has two parts, the logo design itself and the company stationary design.

Fox's Tail Logo Design

Logo design made for a fictional Barbershop business.

Fox's Tail Stationary Design

Stationary design made for the logo design.

Asian Arts Museum Brochure

This is a brochure made for the Asian Arts Museum.

Dancing Salsa

This is a package design made for a fictional salsa sauce company.


Terms of Service, dos and don'ts, prices, and examples below!

Terms of Service

1.) Do not remove my watermark or signature!2.) Payment is required to begin the commission process, either half or full payment up front.3.) When posted publicly, credit me via @ and tag.4.) I hold full rights to the art I make, ergo I will post on social media and on my website as I see fit. If you have something time sensitive or personal, we can negotiate terms of usage.5.) Tips are always appreciated! :)


Any political art must be thoroughly researched and used for the right reasons. I will not affiliate myself with groups/issues I do not believe in and/or discriminate against any groups of people.Keep in mind that if you ask for politically charged art, I will research who you are as a person in order to understand what you intend to use my projects for.I have the right to decline your commission if I have a problem with what you are asking me to create for you. I must fully agree to your cause before starting any politically charged designs with you.


1.) Human and Humanoid Characters (this includes fan art)2.) Mech + robots + other monsters/creatures3.) Mild gore4.) Exposed skin6.) Ship/Couple Art7.) Furry art (animal charteristics, etc.)


1.) LEWD content, needless to say pornographic content2.) Severe gore3.) Art Discriminating against any and all groups of people.4.) Depending on issue, art that paints a person/event in a bad light.


Read terms and conditions carefully before asking for commissions.

Fun Commissions

These are one time purchases.Payment must be received ahead of time in order to start the process.

Requests (included with purchase)Sketches + Line ArtFree~
PFPs (Headshots only)Digital + Pixel$20~
Emotes (Twitch, Discord)Full Color + Shading$2~
Emotes (Twitch, Discord)Sketch Emote$1~
Wallpapers (Phone ratios only)Aesthetic, pixel, pattern$15~

Character DesignDescriptionCostVariations
SketchSketches + Line Art$10Extra Characters + $20
HalfFull Color + Shading$15Extra Characters + $20
Character ReferenceFull Color + Shading$20~
FullFull Color + Shading$30Extra Characters + $20
DynamicFull Color + Shading + Background$50Extra Characters + $20

Pixel ArtDescriptionCostVariations
HalfFull Color + Shading$20~
FullFull Color + Shading$25~
DynamicFull Color + Shading + Background$35~
ComboPixel + Digital$50~

Serious Commissions

These are base prices, billing for professional designs is $30/hour additional to the base price.Payment for base price must be received ahead of time in order to start any commission. Hourly rate must be received weekly.Prices coming soon!

Printing and Shipping

I am willing to pay for printing and shipping if you do not have access to a printer, but it might cost less to find a local printer yourself.What you pay for:Printing + ShippingIf you live locally, I can hand deliver, otherwise use this website to track how much it will cost to deliver to you:
USPS Postage Calculator
You may request as many reprints as needed anytime after commission schedule. You may not use me as a printer, I will only print projects I work on for you.

Copy Paper

Paper TypeSizeWeightCost
Text8.5" x 11"32 lbs.$0.70
Text11" x 17"32 lbs.$1.40
Text12" x 18"32 lbs.$1.60
Paper TypeSizeWeightCost
Cover8.5" x 11"80 lbs.$0.95
Cover11" x 17"80 lbs.$1.90
Cover12" x 18"80 lbs.$2.10

Glossy Paper

Paper TypeSizeWeightCost
Text8.5" x 11"32 lbs.$0.90
Text11" x 17"32 lbs.$1.80
Text12" x 18"32 lbs.$2.00
Paper TypeSizeWeightCost
Cover8.5" x 11"80 lbs.$1.10
Cover11" x 17"80 lbs.$2.20
Cover12" x 18"80 lbs.$2.40


Coming soon!

My websiteMastodon